Beekee Devices FAQ - Technical Questions

Beekee Devices FAQ - Technical Questions

Hardware and Software

How reliable is the hardware against the harsh environment in the field? Dust-Resistant? Waterproof?

The components employed and used on the devices were chosen and tested together to withstand most field conditions. A passive cooling design along with a temperature-activated fan ensures its operation in temperatures of maximum 40°C; accumulation of dust particles can be easily removed by opening the device. 

We designed our devices to be easily repaired using common tools and standard replacement parts. Also, our device’s compact format contributes to resist slight shocks and falls. Our devices are not certified waterproof nor water resistant but efforts towards complying with relevant Ingress Proof (IP) certifications will start in 2022. 

Can you share with us the hardware Specs of the Beekee (Battery, memory, CPU etc)?

Please consult the datasheet.

How do you run troubleshooting of Beekee in the field?

Ensuring the proper functioning of electronic devices in field conditions can be rather challenging, and it often needs to be done quickly. That’s why our team has the technical expertise to troubleshoot the Beekee devices thanks to our dedicated technical support. We currently propose three channels of dedicated support depending on the needs and on the urgency of the situation:

  1. Dedicated support via chat or email;

  2. Live one-to-one video calls;

  3. Remote access intervention.

If a device in the field encounters a software issue, a remote access intervention is possible by one of our technical experts. To do this, the device in the field must be  plugged into a router with Internet access (Ethernet cable is provided), or by using a mobile hotspot with an Ethernet port, or even a smartphone with an USB/Ethernet port adapter. The final user has nothing to do since it is the technical expert that takes control of the Beekee Box remotely and performs all the necessary tasks.

Is it possible to make installation for other applications existing in the open web or 3rd party applications?

Yes, our team could install and configure third-party applications on the device, granted the applications are compatible with the employed linux-based system (currently Raspberry Pi OS 64-bits version) and the hardware specifications available on board.

What kind of device management tool do you use, is it inbuilt or do we need to do installation?

Device management is ensured by the Device Management System platform, an in-house system that allows to receive and present information on the status of the device fleet, as well as making it possible to perform a set of managerial tasks on the devices, like export course grades and perform course backup. 

The Device Management System is a web platform accessible directly from a web browser without the need to install a specific application.

Since the hardware is 3D printed, how do you ensure ruggedness?

The 3D-printed elements (the case, rack, buttons, etc.), are printed using PET-G plastic which ensures high mechanical resistance (no physical deformation) under a broad range of temperatures, particularly high ones. 

In addition, PET-G plastic could be recycled up to 10 times with a small degradation in material quality. Lastly, locally-sourced 3D printers could take care of printing the spare or repair pieces necessary.

How do you monitor Beekee tools to ensure they are operational?

We support fleet management including monitoring and alerting provided to us by one of the leading services of the Internet of Things. We call this the Central Administration. Relevant alerts can be sent based on device conditions such as low storage, CPU utilization, CPU temperature, and memory utilization. Sending alerts requires the device to be occasionally connected to the Internet.

The Beekee team can take care of the administration and maintenance of the fleet. Naturally, we can provide our customers/partners the credentials for accessing the Central Administration platform. 

Additionally, supervisors, managers and/or deployment responsibles can have access to a dedicated portal providing an array of operations (export/import courses, export/import course grades, push new contents), and rapidly gather information including performance metrics of their deployment like usage statistics, storage, etc. We call this the Device Management System. 


Do you synchronize data and content between the cloud server and the Beekee server?

Data synchronization is done from the device to the Beekee servers and viceversa. We can set up additional custom synchronization pathways for other use cases and applications. This said, data is not duplicated nor stored in other servers than the ones explicitly authorized. 

If yes, what is the technology used to synchronize data between the remote server and the local server in the field?

We employ Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) on a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

What is the max and minimum bandwidth required to ensure the local servers have synced successfully?

The necessary bandwidth and link stability is a function of the data volume to be transferred. For instance, a learner scores file of a single course would imply transferring a 1 or 2 MB file which can be easily done using a standard Internet connection, even in locations with weak and patchy internet access. 

In addition, we employ tools particularly suitable for unstable internet connections (resuming of partial uploads/downloads, segmented file transfer, etc.). 

Do we have access to the server logs to track the various networks between the local servers and the mothership servers

Yes, the full network connectivity trace can be made available and monitored at any time by the customer/partner or a predefined trusted entity. 

If you have synchronization, what is the frequency?

It all depends on the usage scenario. As the devices can be taken to different locations, synchronization can be done on demand where there is access to wired Internet. On the other hand, if a device is used to relieve an Internet access in a location (a fast, local data proxy) and the device is permanently connected to the Internet, synchronizations can also be scheduled to happen daily/weekly/monthly.


Is the IP address used to access the system or a local DNS?

The Beekee devices have their own local DNS server. When connected to the device’s WiFi network, the Learning Apps are accessible via the single-entry point URL: beekee.box (customizable) or by accessing directly the learning apps’s URLs moodle.beekee.box, live.beekee.box, etc.

If IP, how is the IP address in the server configured to the browsers to ensure the content is accessible?

Please refer to the previous question (DNS server).

Does the server support SSL?

Technically, Beekee devices can support SSL security protocol. However, as the certificate is provided/signed by a certificate authority, it has a limited lifespan (from 90 to 397 days, depending on the authority), which implies that the device must be connected to the internet regularly to update the certificate.

If the certificate is self-signed, it will not be recognized by browsers by default. The final user has to perform some actions to add the certificate on his computer/smartphone and this could complicate the use of the Beekee device. This said, the connections between the Beekee Cloud servers are protected with SSL security.

What protocols are used in the servers + Standard ports required for the server to work as expected?

The Beekee devices support different protocols (DHCP/DNS/HTTP/SFTP/SSH). The ports currently used by the server are:

  • 80: Beekee Home (Main App)

  • 82: Beekee Live

  • 83: Beekee Resources

  • 84: Beekee Timer

  • 85: Beekee Wheel

  • 86: Etherpad

  • 90: Moodle

Please note that the ports used depend on the Learning Apps installed.

What is the peak connection speed to the server?

The Beekee devices support dual band 802.11ac WiFi protocols: 2.4 GHz (max. transfer speed of 58.3 Mbps) and 5 GHz (max. transfer speed of 114 Mbps), and gigabit Ethernet (max. transfer speed 943 Mbps).


How is the content in the content server updated? 

Assuming the content is a course, it should be first created on the LMS’s cloud instance then exported as a compact backup file (an .mbz file in the case of Moodle-based Learning Management Systems, such as Totara). Next, the file can be transferred and made available in the devices via the Device Management System or by connecting directly to the device via WiFi. 

Is there a connection to the central server cloud?

Yes, a secure connection to our server for synchronizing and having remote access is possible by connecting the device to the Internet via an Ethernet cable.

Content that is used can range from which formats? Do you have standard formats of data that cannot or can work in the Beekee servers?

Most of the common file formats including multimedia contents are supported and can be displayed directly on a web browser. Other application-specific files can also be stored in the file system and shared across the users.

The size of content, do you control the size of data synchronization in the servers?

The size of the files to be synchronized can be controlled to avoid common issues such a low storage and attempting to transfer too large files. If needed, it is also possible to enable and use USB drives to transfer files.

Operational, Reporting and Support

What is the technical level support required to ensure the technology is running smoothly in the field where Beekee is implemented?

Support and maintenance of the devices as well as the IT infrastructure is ensured by Beekee via a Service Level Agreement. For Beekee being able to do this, the devices must have the possibility of being connected to the Internet at certain points to execute the repairing and maintenance operations. 

What is the cost of the device production per unit?

The actual production cost will be calculated as a function of the number of devices to be produced, the hardware employed (RAM capacity, storage capacity and transference speed of the SD card, battery, etc.) and the time spent by a skilled technician. 

What are the tools used for remote hardware maintenance?

Our devices were designed to be easily repaired locally using commonly available tools such as cross-head screwdrivers and pliers. In case of defect the Service Level Agreement will take care of the costs and efforts necessary to ensure the device operation.

Who would/should take care of the maintenance and possible technical problems of the local servers?

The technical problems and maintenance related to the software component can be handled remotely and directly by Beekee granted a Service Level Agreement is concluded. Concerning hardware, Beekee and the customer/partner will agree on finding a local skilled support person(s) or business organization(s) that could serve as an interface to perform the repair operations as indicated by Beekee.

What is the password reset workflow in the field with users accessing the Beekee offline?

Two scenarios are possible: 1) as the devices employ a multi-level role structure, a manager or higher role in proximity could log-in locally in the device and assign a new password to the user; 2) once the device is connected to the internet, a manager, higher role or a Beekee technician could log-in remotely and assign a new password to the user.

How do you manage learning analytics?

Learning Analytics and usage reports are collected and provided directly by the Learning Management System installed on the device. For example, Moodle provides a variety of built-in reports based on log data, such as number of learners connected, number of views per course or per activity, learner contributions, etc. Many third-party plugins also exist for Moodle that provide descriptive analytics.

Have you implemented any moodle installation in the field before? If so, how was the experience?

Yes, Beekee devices running Moodle are currently deployed and being used in different locations mostly in Africa, including Kenya (Kakuma refugee camp), Jordan (Azraq refugee camp), Sudan (Khartoum city and rural areas), Malawi (Lilongwe and four other cities). Some of our devices are also being used in schools of a region in northwestern France that faces connectivity issues.

What are the main challenges and limitations of the Beekee device? Can you share with us the lessons learnt over project pilot and deployment?

In our experience, the single greatest limitation is not the technology itself but the lack of training and guidance on how to make the most of the technologies enabled by the devices. This includes the pedagogical strategies and the new usages that the devices facilitate, such as collaborative work and peer assessment. 

At Beekee, we are convinced that access to information is key but the correct use of Educational Technologies, particularly those technologies promoting collaborative and active participation, can be great catalysts for achieving more significant learning outcomes. Beekee can also support their customers/partners in this quest to make most of the Beekee devices by providing consulting and instructional design services and specific training programs.

Are there Beekee tools currently in use in the field?

Yes, please refer to the previous question ‘Have you implemented any moodle installation in the field before? If so, how was the experience?

Can we have a demo of the Beekee hardware and apps please?

Absolutely, we would be delighted to organize a hands-on demo of the devices, the remote access capabilities and our services via a test scenario.

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